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Datering:22. april 1887
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I must ask you to kindly forgive me that up till to-day I have omitted to send you my heartiest thanks for your translation of «The Wild Duck» and for the copy of same which you sent me.
This translation must undoubtedly be described as especially successful. It is, of course, not easy for me to give any decisive judgment with regard to the language. But from many competent readers with whom I have discussed the matter I have received the definite and unanimous assurance that your work deserves all possible praise and acknowledgment. <...>
With regard to the presentation of «Rosmersholm» in Augsburg, I take it for granted that you have read the reports in the newspapers. The storm of applause was wonderful, also, at the second presentation, on which day, however, I was not present. <...>
You indicated in one of your letters that you would like to translate «Karlighedens Komedie» («Love’s Comedy»). <...> But the carrying out of this would meet with great difficulties. This play is of course written right through in rhymed verse which it would not be easy to reproduce in a translation. In any circumstances this would have to be made with the abbreviations and condensation of the dialogue which I have already made for the use of the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen.


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